Going Green in Mayfair: Gardens and Quiet Places

Mayfair district is often associated with luxury stores, gourmet restaurants and chic and trendy places. However, this area has more to offer than just stars in the eyes. Let’s discover the quiet places in Mayfair to rest or work in the greenery.

Parks and Cafes to Replenish Yourself

Easy to access, Brown Hart Gardens is located on Duke Street in Mayfair. It’s a 929 square metre public garden atop an electrical substation. This peaceful raised terrace garden is just a short walk from busy Oxford Street and is perfect for a lunch break from the hustle and bustle of the city. There is a cafe in this park so you can also work with your laptop while drinking tea or other beverage in a quiet and green environment.

In a very different style, there is the Mount Street Garden. This totally surrounded by walls garden is a green oasis where there is a kind of microclimate favourable to different plant species. There are common plane trees, willows, redwoods, canary palms, winter mimosas… Several species of birds can also be observed: thrushes, crows, titmice, robins, magpies, blackbirds, etc. This large and pleasant park is ideal for reading or resting. A few steps from the park is Queens of Mayfair Coffee, a refined place to extend your tranquil moment or answer your professional emails while eating a pastry.

There is also Berkeley Square, surrounded by luxury car showrooms top restaurants and members clubs it’s a great spot to sit and watch the world go by or you walk in the quitely in its gravelled alleys. In the centre is a pump house with a Chinese style roof erected in 1800 and The plane trees in this park were planted in 1789 and are among the oldest trees in the city.

Have you heard about garden offices?

Whether you work remotely or enjoy working in an atmosphere other than the office with a view of a green space from your window, the garden office should surely please you. These wooden structures of a few square metres can be installed in any garden and set up as a quiet and cosy workspace. Easy to install, the garden office can be set up by yourself, a touch of paint is enough to personalise it. In the long run, it is more comfortable than working in cafes, parks or shared spaces.

If you have a garden, you can order it directly from the manufacturer. If you like the idea but don’t have a garden, you should know that some individuals have installed garden offices and offer them for rent, which is always cheaper than renting an office, especially in Mayfair which is one of the most expensive areas in London.

Studies have shown that being close to nature helps reduce stress and improves well-being, so even if you don’t have the opportunity to work in a garden office, consider taking breaks to get some fresh air or go for a walk in a park at the end of the day to decompress.