Could We See NFTs Be Rewards For Poker Games?

In the past couple of years, NFT, or non-fungible tokens as they are formally known, have become the latest digital trend to take the global investment and gaming worlds by storm. It is, put simply, the term given to a unique and non-interchangeable token of data stored on a decentralised ledger known as a blockchain. It has provided artists with a never-before-seen opportunity to monetise their work online but as the metaverse continues to edge closer towards reality, could we see NFTs be rewarded for poker games?

The introduction of NFT games

If you have dabbled in online gaming or even invested in your own digital piece of artwork in the form of an NFT as of recently, you may have become aware of the introduction of NFT games. It is, put simply, the process of gaming in exchange for passive income with the opportunity to sell your in-game NFTs to fellow gamers or investors and earn valuable tokens with play-to-earn models in the process. It all started with the explosion of the CryptoKitties game, which was originally launched in 2017, and has grown and developed in the years since to become unofficially known as Game-Fi having borrowed elements from both the gaming and finance industries. It may sound relatively complex, especially if you are unfamiliar with online gaming or gaming in general, but it has become a highly effective method of making money online for a growing number of participants.

A brand-new generation of online gaming

If you are a life-long gamer, you may think NFTs are merely another digital trend that is likely to come and go in a flash. It has, however, proven that it is well and truly here to stay and is poised to stand the test of time as experienced gamers continue to seek new ways for digital tokens to be rewarded within the wider online gaming circuit. If you are familiar with playing an online poker game, such as GGPoker Flip & Go, for example, it may be the next logical step for you in your online poker playing journey as a growing number of online casinos adopt cryptocurrency as a means of digital payment method for both depositing and withdrawing.

A crypto-centred future

If the world continues to adopt cryptocurrency at an accelerated pace, we are likely to continue hurtling towards a future where cryptocurrency is the norm when it comes to paying for goods and services both online as well as in-person. If this is the case, NFTs could not only be rewarded for poker games but for a number of online, computer, and console-based games as consumers continue to uncover their true value in today’s increasingly digital landscape. It also comes as NFT games continue to explode in popularity and experienced gamers switch their focus to NFT games in an attempt to keep up with the times and, perhaps most importantly, seek to be rewarded for their hard work and effort when it comes to playing games online.

If you are interested in NFTs and their stratospheric rise to superstardom in recent years, you may have also heard of the ongoing trend of NFT games. It started with the release of CryptoKitties in 2017 and has since exploded in popularity to signal a brand-new generation of online gaming for both experienced and inexperienced gamers. It also comes as the world gradually shifts to a crypto-centred future where digital currencies are used for a variety of purposes and NFTs become commonplace and are used to reward online poker players as well as online gamers.