Mayfair Monopoly campaign garners support from MP

If you’re a regular Mayfair reader. You may remember our recent blog about the new campaign from Flemings Mayfair. They put the prestigious district back on the Monopoly board. Well, the campaign certainly seems to be gathering steam and has already garnered some high profile support. Mark Field, MP for Cities of London and Westminster, has written a letter with his good wishes to the head of the campaign himself.

Snapping up Mayfair and Park Lane.

In the correspondence, which was addressed to Colin Exton, the director of sales at Flemings. Mr Field cited childhood nostalgia as one of the central reasons for his acknowledgement. “There cannot be many adults living in the UK who did not at some stage in their childhood revel in placing a hotel on Mayfair. We did not experience the despair of a rival snapping up both Mayfair and Park Lane!” he exclaimed.

A key destination in the heart of the Capital.

“The removal of Mayfair is hugely symbolic as it is a key destination in the heart of our capital and remains internationally renowned. Its status has certainly not diminished in prestige since it was placed on the original British Monopoly boards back in the 1930s.”

Mayfair reinstated.

This high profile backing shows just how much people want to see Mayfair reinstated. As Colin himself commented: “To have the support of our local MP demonstrates how seriously people are taking this issue.” Do you want to see Mayfair back on the Monopoly board? Follow the campaign on Twitter and tweet them your support.