A Perfect Day in the Mayfair District

Mayfair, a borough of the West End, has numerous boutiques, wealthy residences, and enchanting nightclubs. Find some of London’s best shops, famous auction houses and five-star hotels in this lush green part of London. Incidentally, as an anecdote, this prosperous neighbourhood holds the highest real estate value in the Anglo-Saxon version of the Monopoly game! Visit the surrounding area, then enjoy the nearby attractions and the vast green expanses that border the estate. Finally, why not relax at the end of the day with an online casino game? Arguably the best way to end the evening, especially if you are tired after such a day of sightseeing! You might even find sites with no deposit bonus casinos, a great alternative to the physical casino. Here’s a roundup of what you can do in Mayfair to make the most of your time there.

Stay in An Upscale Hotel

Mayfair has hosted entertaining events since the 1700s, such as the annual Mayfair festivities. The Mayfair is a grand hotel that housed the American high society in the 1900s, British royalty twenty years later, Hollywood stars in the 1950s and avant-garde partygoers of our time. You could stay here or at other luxury five-star establishments around if you don’t mind leaving a few tickets there! You could also attend an exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts on the east side of Mayfair. Explore its permanent collection and learn about artists from the United Kingdom active when it was founded in 1768 and others from the 18th century to the present day.

Visit Burlington Arcade for a Total Change of Scenery

It is the first large shopping arcade that opened in London in 1819. Covered by glass roofs, it brings together some forty luxury boutiques, such as jewellers, jewellery stores, famous perfumers, antique dealers, ready-to-wear stores. Nothing that their windows make you enter another world, perhaps that of the dream: Louboutin or even Harrods. The gallery has been guarded for over a century by beadles, still dressed in their uniform, traditional hats, and Victorian frock coats.

Relax and Restore in the Royal Parks

Grosvenor Square Gardens, one of London’s royal parks, rests in the heart of Mayfair. Examine the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Statue, the September 11 Memorial Garden, and the RAF Eagle Squadron Memorial. At the edge of the park stands the United States Embassy. Just west of Mayfair is Hyde Park, a 140-hectare estate and Royal London Park. Locate the Diana Memorial Fountain next to Serpentine Lake. In the northeaster part, near Marble Arch, is the Speakers Corner, where Marx, Lenin and Orwell once gave speeches and where millions have gathered to protest in recent years. Picnic or relax in the sun at Green Park in South Mayfair. Sit in the shade of the capital’s plane trees beside the green lawns of Berkeley Square Garden.

Shepherd Market, in the Heart of Mayfair

This pedestrianized square is like a small village, right in the heart of Mayfair. It includes typical shops, antique shops, pubs, and restaurants with terraces, of all origins: Italian, Lebanese, French, etc. Every corner of all these alleys is taken by a barber, a newsagent, a sandwich shop, stationery, a shoemaker, etc., just steps from luxury boutiques. It’s this difference that makes Shepperd Market so charming. You will love this relaxed yet lively atmosphere, which makes this area a must-see gem.

Shop on Oxford Street

Shop on Oxford Street, order a bespoke suit on Savile Row and admire renowned Sotheby’s and Phillips auction houses. Then, enjoy a meal at one of London’s finest restaurants in and around Mayfair’s most luxurious establishments.