Time for tea in Mayfair

Mayfair is a quintessential British district, as evidenced by its central London location, refined, elegant ambience, and of course, that coveted spot on the Monopoly board. However, there’s nothing quite as quintessentially British as a good old fashioned cup of tea – so it’s no surprise that there is an abundance of wonderful tea shops right here in Mayfair.

Expertly brewed and served tea.

One of our favourite drinking spots is Postcard Teas on New Bond Street. Which offers a range of tea options, including white teas, green teas. There are oolong teas and flavoured teas, all expertly brewed and served in a traditional range of accessories. They also have a service known as tea mail, which allows you to choose a pouch of tea. Write a personal message on it and mail it off to someone special – a delicious alternative to a conventional postcard from the UK.

 A variety of different flavours.

Another great teashop is The East India Company, which has its flagship store on Conduit Street. Again, they offer a range of tea in a variety of different format and flavours. Their most notable offerings include Darjeeling and Chai tea, and iced teas, which are not commonly found outside of America.

An array of fantastic teas.

Of course, no article about Mayfair tea would be complete without mentioning classic afternoon teas. Which are served in many of the prestigious hotels in the area, including Browns, Flemings, Claridges and The Chesterfield Mayfair. Not only will you be served an array of fantastic teas. You will also get a selection of sandwiches, cakes, scones and petit fours to satisfy even the largest of appetites.

No matter how you choose to take your tea in Mayfair, there’s no denying that some of the best options in the world are right on our doorstep.