Luxury district in the center of London

If we are talking about luxury, then in each country it will be something different. For example, in France, this is the Cote d’Azur – a region that offers its guests all the best that is in France: the sea and rocky ledges, sun and lush greenery, luxury shops and ancient sights, delicious food and excellent wines.

If we talk about the United Arab Emirates, then this is, of course, Dubai with its all kinds of luxurious services and the most expensive things. For example, cars: unique, luxurious suvs in Dubai are represented by many models of different brands such as Rolls Royce, Mercedes, Porsche and others. Car rental in Dubai will amaze even the most sophisticated client with its choice and variety of rental cars. And the car rental service will delight you with its convenience.

If we talk about Great Britain, then this is the Mayfair area. One of the oldest quarters in London, Mayfair got its name due to the noisy May fairs held in the 17th and 18th centuries, which gathered many people. Today no one holds fairs here, but numerous brand shops and boutiques with seasonal sales attract residents and guests of the British capital.

No less interesting for tourists and excursions to Mayfair. They allow you to get acquainted with the architecture, sights of the area and the private life of wealthy Londoners. Archaeological excavations carried out in the area indicate the presence of Roman roads. This means that the oldest settlements existed here before the founding of London.

History of the quarter

Since ancient times, Mayfair has been the most aristocratic area of ​​London. In the 20th century, the owners of big money diluted the aristocracy a little, but to a limited extent – the houses here belong to the same family for 300 years, they try not to sell property in Britain that long ago without some very extreme need.

Need for the 20th century happened twice: first in 30-50 years. In Britain, a reform was passed to limit the rights of the nobility with the transfer of land to tenants in the property, and then the war passed. Therefore, by the 50s. Some of the houses here were sold, but those that survived then are sold very, very rarely now.

Thanks to this isolation, Mayfair is no longer just a neighborhood, it’s a way of life, it’s a brand, it’s a standard of secularity. The most aristocratic address in London – only royal palaces are more serious than it. Half of all the historical figures of Britain over the past 300 years have lived here (the other half lived in neighboring Marylebone) – all these earls and dukes known from history books, generals, reformers, writers and many others.

Here the action of a mass of literary works takes place – it was not very accepted to write about the common people in England before Dickens, and the aristocracy lived here.

Now it is one of the most expensive areas in the world. It is small and bordered by Oxford Street, Regent Street, Park Lane and Piccadilly. Somewhere the aristocracy still lives, and besides it, there are many expensive shops, embassies, art galleries, private clubs-restaurants and a lot of attractions.

Entertainment and attractions

The most massive, if I may say so, Mayfair attraction is residential buildings. Here you can find mansions of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries built in very good condition. You can come and see where the characters of Oscar Wilde lived (by the way, he also lived in this area at one time).

Other important attractions are shopping streets, there are three of them at once: Bond Street (inside the area, full of very expensive shops), Regent Street (separates Mayfair from Soho, the price level is average, and the street itself is the creation of a famous architect) and the most – the most famous is Oxford Street, which divides Mayfair and Marylebone districts. Oxford Street is a place for very, very democratic shopping and it looks a little strange next to Mayfair and Marylebone, but there are many such contrasts in London.

Park Lane occupies a separate place in Mayfair. Once it was the most aristocratic address of all, in principle, possible for a person of non-royal blood, but now the street is built up mainly with hotels. Lost inside Mayfair is the Claridges Hotel, Britain’s most prestigious hotel. You can’t go inside, you can only look outside. Mayfair is separated from the center by Piccadilly Street, which is also full of sights.

On all the shopping streets surrounding Mayfair there are many cafes and small restaurants with a democratic level of prices, but in the depths of Mayfair there are really good restaurants, for connoisseurs of traditional English or French cuisine, but there you usually need to book a table in advance and a formal suit is required.

A casual walk through the area’s chic streets will show you both Michelin stars and chauffeur-driven star cars – that is, a familiar picture of local life. Even if you are extremely limited in funds, walk along these streets of central London to at least get a glimpse of how the color of English society lives.