Glamour’s Woman of the Year celebrated in Mayfair

Some of the biggest and brightest A-list celebrities were out in force in Mayfair last week for Glamour magazine’s Woman of the Year award ceremony. The awards took place in a stunning specially constructed venue in Berkley Square Gardens. They celebrated their 10th year with a spectacular ceremony. Designed to honour the achievements of women in entertainment, fashion and culture.

The big winners of the night.

With a range of prizes being passed out for titles such as best filmmaker (Rashida Jones). Presenter (Clare Balding) and solo artist (Rita Ora). The evening was a great celebration of some of the best female talent of the year. However, the big winners of the night were Jessie J, who received the prestigious Editor’s Special Award from Glamour editor-in-chief Jo Elvin, and Victoria Beckham, who was dubbed Woman of the Decade. An award was presented to her by Burberry’s Chief Creative Officer Christopher Bailey.

The only male-orientated award of the evening.

Upon accepting her award, Victoria commented: “I’d like to start by congratulation all the women tonight. Also Harry Potter (a reference to Daniel Radcliffe. They won the only male-orientated award of the evening). I like to celebrate women … girl power! We need to support each other … here’s to the next 10 years.”

Here at Mayfair London, we’d like to offer huge congratulations to all of the winners – we hope to see you again next year!