Royal hair in Mayfair

The Duchess of Cambridge is known for her glossy locks. With a warm brunette shade and impossibly perfect blow dry. Her style is one of the most iconic looks of this generation. Prince William’s wife is said to visit Richard Ward in Chelsea to achieve these dizzying levels of hair perfection. She may have a secret hair weapon in Mayfair up her sleeve as well.

A style sanctuary.

A recent magazine spread showed a shot of the Duchess entering the salon of Rossano Ferretti. A style sanctuary tucked away from the hustle and bustle of St George’s Street. The picture, featured in Australia’s Who magazine’s July issue, showed Kate looking happy and relaxed. Sporting a casual cardigan, ladylike white skirt, and of course, gorgeous hair, for the occasion.

An impressive list of clients.

Whilst he may not be her usual stylist, the fact that Kate trusts Ferretti with her locks. Kate speaks volumes about his work – and it’s not just the Duchess on Ferretti’s impressive list of clients. The stylist, who only opened his London salon at the beginning of last year. They have worked with A-list celebrities including Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek,. They have also taken part in catwalk shows for brands as prestigious as Dior and Armani.

If you’re looking for a haircut fit for royalty, it seems the district of Mayfair is the place to be! Check out our directory of Mayfair salons to find a stylist that suits you.