
Browse the results of this Location below

Michael Backman

Michael Backman Ltd, based in central London, just off Regent Street,...

SEO Service London

SEO Services London is the only marketing agency you need, we specialise...

L’Autre Polish Mexican Bistro

Serving a variety of classic Polish dishes as well as Mexican...

The Mayfair Printing Co

With a well-established studio and print works near Curzon Street, in...

The Washington Mayfair Hotel

The Washington Mayfair Hotel its Art Deco origins can be clearly...

Watches and Jewellery of Bond Street

Watches and Jewellery of Bond Street Ltd is a London based...

Sassoon Salon

If elegance and sophistication in hairstyling have a name, it's Sassoon...

Gary Anderson

Nothing can quite compare to the luxury of a suit tailored...


Sollands gallery, in the heart of Mayfair, displays a strikingly curated...

Armour Winston Ltd

Armour Winston is the oldest shop in the Burlington Arcade which...

Ede and Ravenscroft

Sometimes you deserve to wear something out of the ordinary like...

Dartmouth House

Dartmouth House, home of The English-Speaking Union, is an elegant mansion...

Streets of Mayfair London


London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom. Standing on the River Thames in the south-east of England, at the head of its 50-mile (80 km) estuary leading to the North Sea, London has been a major settlement for two millennia. Londinium was founded by the Romans. The City of London, London’s ancient core − an area of just 1.12 square miles (2.9 km2) and colloquially known as the Square Mile − retains boundaries that follow closely its medieval limits.

The City of Westminster is also an Inner London borough holding city status. Greater London is governed by the Mayor of London and the London Assembly.