Bespoke hairdressers and hair treatments in Mayfair

As a centre for fine tailoring, restaurants, beauty treatments and night life, Mayfair boasts the best in bespoke hair salons to suit both contemporary and traditional tastes.

One of the most prestigious male barbers in the West End is Geo F. Trumper, established in 1875. Its sense of classical expertise has inspired several of the other barbers and hairdressers of Mayfair.

The West End’s stunning architecture makes for a diverse and original setting for the salons themselves. Some are sweeping monochromatic rooms, filled with contemporary furnishings, shapes and styles. Others resemble Manhattan loft-style apartments and offer chic, simple haircuts.

Constant training goes into ensuring Mayfair’s hair stylists can offer the very best cut and colour to match individual tastes. A type of attention to detail which is not present in many other hairdressers sets Mayfair apart from other areas. As such a vibrant artistic and fashion-conscious area, ideas and trends are always seeping into hair design from fashion-design and vice versa.

A prevailing creative ethos in this part of Central London permeates the beauty treatments offered, too. Facial treatments, aromatherapy and eye care are available, as well as specialist hair services such as semi-permanent blow drying, high-quality hair extensions and colouring.

The best Mayfair hairdresser for an individual depends on their personal tastes. Some salons focus on volume, others on sleek, angular lines and curves and much more. Such artistic diversity is extremely important in any kind of design, hair being no exception.