The beautiful Burlington Arcade

Many of Mayfair’s wonderful shops can be found in the Burlington Arcade that runs behind Bond Street from Piccadilly through to Burlington Gardens.

The mid-nineteenth shopping hall .

Built in the 19th Century to the order of Lord George Cavendish. This elegant covered shopping gallery is the precursor to the mid-nineteenth shopping hall. Such as the ones in Milan and Naples, and the ancestor of the modern shopping mall. The Burlington Arcade was built “for the sale of jewellery and articles of fashionable demand, for the gratification of the public”.

The architect was Samuel Ware.

Apparently, the Duke built the arcade on the side garden of Burlington House. Which he owned, to prevent passers-by throwing oyster shells over the wall. (This was when oysters were cheap). The Burlington arcade was opened in 1819. The architect was Samuel Ware. The Arcade is patrolled by Burlington Arcade beadles who wear top hats and frock coats. Originally. The beadles were recruited from the Duke’s own regiment the 10th Hussars but this is no longer the case.

Shops with their smart uniform shop fronts.

The modern visitor can enjoy strolling through the arcade and browsing in the forty upmarket shops with their smart uniform shop fronts. Among the goods on offer they will find jewellery, luxury watches and the finest antiques.  Fashion and accessories are also on offer together with perfumes, shoes and leisure goods. The specialist knowledge and impeccable service offered by shops in the Burlington Arcade add to the pleasure of the experience it offers.

Why not pay a visit?