The £1m Mayfair apartment

A flat in Mayfair has recently appeared on the market for a cool £1 million. With the demand for flats in central London on the rise and Mayfair’s reputation as an ultra-luxurious area, the property, marketed by Wetherell covers just 461 square feet – as much space as you’d find in the average living room! The entire flat is actually smaller than a London tube carriage, although it has been well-designed and contains a separate bedroom, reception, kitchen and bathroom.

Annual service charges in Mayfair.

Compared to other homes in the UK, this swish yet compact pad is just half the size of an average property. The annual service charge is £3,000, inclusive of the services of a (undoubtedly) smartly-dressed porter.

Perfectly located city apartment.

If you’re a millionaire looking for a compact yet perfectly located city apartment, this flat could be for you! You’ll be in the very heart of Mayfair, just down the road from the Ritz hotel and a few steps away from world-renowned restaurant Nobu. You just need to turn right out of the building and you’ll be in Berkeley Square. If property really is about ‘Location, location, location’ it doesn’t get much better than this!