First London Art Weekend held at Brown’s in Mayfair

The inaugural Brown’s London Art Weekend took place in Mayfair on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th July. Over the course of the weekend, 80 art galleries and auction houses across Mayfair. They opened their doors to the public, with over 75 astounding exhibitions displaying 3,000 years of art.

Renaissance-style paintings.

Something was on offer for everyone, from fans of renaissance-style paintings to people fascinated by contemporary sculpture. The Art Weekend also hosted almost 100 free tours and talks. It proved to be a fantastic opportunity to explore the city’s private galleries, usually closed to the public. Gain an insight into why international collectors and dealers flock to Mayfair and St James every year.

Mayfair’s private art galleries.

The weekend was supported by Brown’s Hotel on Albemarle Street. They attracted collectors, artists and those curious to see inside Mayfair’s private art galleries. Brown’s has always been a popular choice for artists, gallery owners and collectors. The hotel offered a Hix Art Brunch, created by Mark Hix, as well as special accommodation packages for the weekend. They even organised a high-speed tour, leaving from Brown’s. This enabled busy visitors to take in 12 galleries in under 2 hours!