Say it in writing: Penfriend in Mayfair

It’s easy to think the art of letter writing has been lost thanks to the convenience of email and social media; that we’re all after instant communication and gratification these days. Our attention spans are shorter than ever, so we don’t want to wait weeks for a response when we could just wait minutes instead.

Sentiment attached to letter writing.

Research has shown that there’s a special sentiment attached to letter writing. Receiving a heartfelt written card or postcard in the mail means a lot, as someone has taken the time to write to you. It’s so much more personal than a hurried email or typed family newsletter fired off to a dozen friends.

Cosy up.

As the winter months approach, it’s a great time of year to slow down and take up the art of writing again. Whether you pen a letter to a loved one or start a journal, the perfect writing implements can turn a slow, time-consuming task into a labour of love. Invest in a high-quality fountain pen from Penfriend in Mayfair. They are the world’s leading fountain pen specialists – and why not treat yourself to some beautiful, weighty paper or a new leather-bound journal too.

Antique pen restored.

A stunning Visconti or Parker fountain pen also makes a great Christmas gift. Whether you choose to buy new or have an antique pen restored. An afternoon spent browsing the delights of Mayfair’s pen shops is sure to yield plenty of treasures!