Sautter Cigars

The World Renowned London Cigar Store


Sautter Cigars is an esteemed establishment located in the prestigious area of Mayfair, London. Celebrating over 50 years of operation, this shop is renowned for its exceptional range of Cuban cigars and attentive service. Stepping inside Sautter Cigars immerses visitors in an environment filled with the rich scents of aged tobacco, showcasing their dedication to quality and tradition. The business prides itself on a sophisticated selection that appeals to both discerning aficionados and those new to the world of cigars.

Product Selection and Customer Service

The shelves of Sautter Cigars are lined with well-known Cuban brands such as Cohiba and Bolivar, as well as a variety of New World cigars. This selection ensures that all preferences are catered to, from those seeking the bold flavours of a classic Cuban to those interested in exploring diverse tastes from other regions. The staff at Sautter are not just salespeople; they are experts in tobacco and cigars, offering personalized advice to help each customer find their ideal cigar. Additionally, the store features an array of cigar accessories, including luxurious humidors and bespoke cutters, enhancing the overall smoking experience.

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Open Hours

Monday09:00 AM07:00 PM
Tuesday09:00 AM07:00 PM
Wednesday09:00 AM07:00 PM
Thursday09:00 AM07:00 PM
Friday09:00 AM07:00 PM
Saturday10:00 AM06:00 PM
Sunday12:00 PM05:00 PM
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