Cravat or necktie? What to wear to a formal Christmas gathering

As the holiday season unfolds, a flurry of festive events provides the perfect stage to showcase your sartorial finesse! Choosing between a cravat and a necktie is something of a key decision to make when deciding on your outfit. Don’t let mastering those dress codes ruin your festive season; instead, read on and find out how to strike the right balance between classic charm and contemporary trends, ensuring you radiate charm and confidence this Christmas!    

The cravat: Adds an elegant twist

A cravat is the perfect accessory to showcase your own individuality and unique sense of style, while still retaining formality. The beauty of the cravat lies in the wealth of patterns, designs, and styles, allowing you to add a playful or seasonal touch to your formal outfit. Include a festive motif or color scheme, elevating your outfit from the realm of the conventional to the sphere of the stylish!  For inspiration, have a look at

The cravat’s popularity dates back to the 17th century when Croatian mercenaries attracted the attention of fashionistas in Paris. They coined the term “cravate”, referring to “Croatians”, which evolved into today’s “cravat”. In the 19th century, the cravat took on a range of different codes within the world of men’s fashion, and various styles of knots came to signify different affiliations and social backgrounds.

In today’s fashion landscape, cravats are often seen as a stylish choice, delivering an element of decorative flamboyancy to an outfit, while still adhering to formal dress codes. The cravat’s versatility is doubtless linked to its ongoing popularity among the fashion elite – it’s the perfect way to add an elegant, individual twist to formal attire.

When it comes to Christmas gatherings in particular, opting for a silk cravat can be a stylish choice. Why not express your individuality, and impart a little festive spirit while experimenting with folds and tucks to create a fashionable yet formal look?

The necktie: For a classic and refined look

The necktie has long been seen as a symbol of professionalism and formality. This classic and refined staple of formal menswear blends tradition with style and looks smart with a classic suit. It’s a safe choice for a gathering where you want to blend in at a black-tie event.

Its clean lines and nod to professionalism will lend a touch of timeless elegance to your attire, but there is still room to express a little personality. While the necktie lacks the flamboyancy and stylish twist of the cravat, you can nevertheless opt for a rich, festive color such as a deep red, a forest green, or even a necktie with a little gold sparkle, to add a little Christmas spirit to your outfit!

Christmas can be a frenetic time socially, and striking the right note between formality, professionalism, style, and elegance can be a difficult thing to master. As well as your personal preferences, consider the atmosphere of the event and how much you want to stand out. Above all, feeling comfortable with your chosen attire is paramount. A well-chosen cravat or necktie can complete your festive outfit perfectly, elevating it from conventional to impeccable! Merry Christmas!